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Our priorities

Serving the community is our #1 priority. That’s why we’re constantly working to create a passionate, progressive region. Through our brands we're working to create happy people. happy homes and happy communities.

Staffs Housing

Quality affordable homes built around you

We're working to break the barriers to good quality housing in our community and ensure that everyone has access to a home they can feel proud of no matter their circumstances. 

Visit the Staffs Housing website
Dad Holding Daughter Outdoors
Older couple hugging


Bringing your home to life

We believe a home should be the place where you feel your best.


Whether it’s helping someone tackle a repair for their changing needs, providing support to people leaving hospital or bringing companionship to someone who feels isolated, we’re bringing life back into spaces and places to help people live happier and longer at home.

Visit our Revival website
Children Cute Excited 225017
Man Pushing Older Man In Wheelchair


The heart of change

We’re looking at the heart of the issue, not just the surface. We work with everyone who is or could be affected by abusive behaviour to prevent and end the issue entirely.


We’re here for victims, survivors, those responsible for abuse and everyone in our region that is at risk, so we can create real, lasting change in the places we serve.

Visit our Glow website
Man Thinking In Blue Tee
Father Helps Daughter To Do Homework



It’s a big statement, but we’re not alone in achieving it. We’re part of a national movement tackling homelessness from the inside out, addressing the factors that cause it as well as giving people the tools and knowledge they need to prevent it.


Through our work and dedication today, the issue of homelessness will be revolutionised, making it a chapter in history defeated by better policies, better education and better support systems. The future is Concrete.

Visit our Concrete website
Man With Demin Jacket
Woman Outdoors Looking Down The Camera