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Our vision

A progressive, passionate region with no barriers to a happy home

Close your eyes and think of a city or place that’s full of life and energy. That’s what we’re aiming to do for every area we serve through the work we do. Happy homes mean thriving people who are building stronger communities and growing the local economy. We want to leave every place better than it was before we got there.

Our mission

Breaking barriers, Building people, Bettering homes

If the vision is the future, the mission is today. Every day that we get up and fulfil our mission we’re one-step closer to achieving our vision. This is the building block to our end goal. 

Our cause: What we’re trying to do

Breaking down all of the social and physical barriers to a happy home in our region.

Our actions: How we do it

Elevating people by addressing the root cause from all angles: preventing, recognising, responding to and rehabilitating needs from the inside out for a long-term solution.

Our purpose: Why we do it

Bettering homes from every aspect, whether it’s through the person or physical environment, so people feel secure, connected, confident and proud.

Woman Relaxing In Her Home