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  • Date: 23/06/2022

22% of Honeycomb Group staff now have lived experience, an increase from 14% in 2020.

Lived experience is essential to our services. Staff equipped with the right skills, knowledge, attitude but also experience helps to create effective, personable support. Sometimes having lived experience can help to bridge the gap between services and the people receiving support. Those with lived experience have a true insight and first-hand knowledge of the positive outcomes and challenges of support.

Honeycomb Group’s homelessness charity Concrete had the highest lived experience with 37% of staff having direct or indirect experience. Furthermore, 23% had direct experience of homelessness including Peer Mentor Tony.

Tony had spent a period of his life ‘living on the streets’ before finding accommodation and support with Concrete. His lived experience not only helps customers but has had a positive effect on his own journey too, Tony explains:

“Being a peer mentor and offering support has become my dream job. It gives me so much joy and it’s a great feeling to know you’ve achieved something for someone in need.

“I really appreciate the support from Concrete during my journey and have always said that if I can help just one person get onto the right path towards a brighter future like me, then I know I’ve done a good job.”

Domestic abuse charity Glow had the second highest percentage with 23% having lived experience. 22% had direct experience of domestic abuse, again increasing understanding of customers feelings and the journey they are taking.

Furthermore, 19% of the Honeycomb Group leadership team and 20% of board members also had lived experience. Director of Support and Wellbeing Melanie Dunn says:

“Leaders with lived experience are vital. They champion customers, creating a customer-focused culture and also lead the way in innovative services that really help and support people.

“Throughout our organisation, lived experience is bringing huge amounts of knowledge and insight which is helping us tailor our support and create the best service possible.”