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  • Date: 04/09/2023

Honeycomb Group offering entry level roles for people interested in the homelessness sector

We’re excited to share that we’re currently looking for new people to join the homelessness sector, with a range of entry level roles available at Concrete, our homelessness charity.

Concrete currently provides housing and support to over 150 people impacted by homelessness across Staffordshire and Cheshire East. The charity provides tailored guidance with everything from housing and tenancy sustainment, to addiction and mental health.

Now they're looking for new people to join the homelessness sector, with several roles available. This includes night workers, where no experience is required and new starters can earn upwards of £25k a year.

Deputy manager Modupe Blight joined Concrete as a Tenancy Sustainment Officer last year. She worked for the charity on a part-time relief basis before taking up a full-time role, supporting local people to maintain tenancies.

Keen to take the next step, Modupe soon progressed and became deputy manager at Concrete’s 24/7 female scheme. She now helps lead the service, working with partner agencies and making sure staff are well-equipped to deliver high-quality support to the women living there.

Modupe said: “A typical day in the homelessness sector is always unpredictable, so it’s never boring. The work that we do as a team is challenging, interesting and most of all rewarding. You are learning all the time and developing so many skills.

“I love my role because it challenges me on a comprehensive level. It forces me to reflect on myself – my own biases and flaws. It helps me grow as a person while working to positively impact other people’s lives.

“I am doing what I love and what I am passionate about. I’m demonstrating love and care for everyone – sometimes in the most challenging circumstances.”

Modupe started her career on a part-time basis, with no experience in the sector, but she said that this never put her at a disadvantage.

She explained: “I was working in another full-time role so relief work gave me the chance to dip my toe into the homelessness sector and see what it would be like to work within it.

“Straightaway I felt like I wanted more. I wanted to be able to do more. You’re working with people and it’s very hard to walk into their lives and then back out again. You want to stay for the journey and see how they progress.”

Operations Manager Dean Marsh (pictured above) also joined the charity last year. Dean started his homelessness sector career as a team leader, but quickly progressed. He now oversees Concrete’s community housing across Stoke-on-Trent.

He said: “The best part of my job is making sure that our customers are housed, especially when they’re coming to us from the streets.

“It’s about making sure they have somewhere safe and secure to call home, because housing is a right, not a privilege.

“It’s incredible to be part of that bigger picture by doing my own little bit.”

Click here to find out more and apply for a job at Concrete.