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  • Date: 07/08/2023

Honeycomb Group secures £5,000 to support Glow customers through cost-of-living crisis

This summer we have secured a £5,000 cost-of-living support grant, which will help customers of our domestic abuse charity, Glow.

It will provide an extra layer of support to individuals and families living at the charity's Staffordshire Moorlands refuge over the next year. 

The money, awarded by The Community Foundation for Staffordshire, will provide an extra layer of support to individuals and families living at the charity's Staffordshire Moorlands refuge over the next year, with anything relating to the rising cost-of-living.

This includes financial support while customers wait to secure their benefits, help with rent payments to maintain housing, clothing, such as school uniforms, fresh food and transport to and from important appointments. 

Service Manager Nicola Edwards leads the team at Glow's Staffordshire Moorlands refuge and says this money will ‘make such a difference’ to customers. 

“We feel privileged and very lucky to have been awarded this grant from The Community Foundation,” said Nicola.

(Pictured: Glow Service Manager Nicola Edwards)

“We’re all feeling the pinch of the cost-of-living crisis, and for the people that we support it’s no different. By having this money for the next year, we can support those living in refuge with food, transport, clothing and bill and rent payments.”

Nicola says that the money will also help to provide ‘normality and security’ for people moving into refuge.

She explained: “Many customers come to us from out of the local area, so that means a brand-new school for the children. This money will help us support families to buy school uniforms so their little ones can feel included and able to settle in well.

“We’ll also use the grant to secure food items from an individual or family’s home culture. This can’t always be accessed from our local foodbanks but goes a long way to make them feel respected and included in their new home.

“The whole refuge team would like to say a huge thank you to the Community Foundation for the money. It will make such a difference to the people that we support and we are very grateful.”

Head of Programmes at The Community Foundation for Staffordshire, Leanne Macpherson, said: “Glow is a fantastic charity that listens to their communities needs and always delivers impactful projects.

“The Community Foundation for Staffordshire were thrilled to be able to support them through our programmes and we very much look forward to working with them again in the future.”

Click here to find out more about Glow's support for people impacted by domestic abuse.