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  • Date: 09/08/2023

Honeycomb Group sees increase in residents feeling safe at home thanks to safety campaigns

Residents at our housing association, Staffs Housing, say they now 'feel safer' in their homes thanks to regular safety campaigns. 

Staffs Housing provides over 3,000 homes to people across Staffordshire, Cheshire and the surrounding areas.

Since March, the affordable housing provider has shared monthly digital content to increase residents’ knowledge around the six main areas of safety and compliance: gas safety, electrical safety, lift safety, fire safety, asbestos management and legionella.

The campaigns, which feature informative videos, have helped Honeycomb Group achieve an 11% increase in residents ‘feeling safe’ in their homes in a recent customer satisfaction survey.

Steve Wilson, Honeycomb Group’s Director of Asset Management and Compliance, explains more:

“Resident safety is incredibly important to us as an organisation.

“In the last couple of years there has been pressure on affordable housing providers, and rightly so, after devastating incidents like Grenfell and the death of Awaab Ishak.

(pictured: Steve Wilson, Honeycomb Group's Director of Asset Management and Compliance)

“We want our residents to feel assured that we take their health and safety seriously and understand our responsibility. Making sure that they stay safe in their homes is a priority for us, which is why we’re putting such an emphasis on it this year.

“Regular online safety campaigns, on our website and social media platforms, have seen us share key information and advice around the six main areas of compliance.

“Through videos, articles and graphics, created with our team’s specialist expertise, we’re making sure that residents are aware of any risks in their homes, and know how we can support them if they have concerns.

“We’ve reached over 24,000 people so far on social media, which is an amazing result.”

Alongside digital work, the Group have also invested an additional £1.1m into their safety and compliance services this year.

This includes expanding their compliance team to make sure the organisation employs experts in each area of safety and compliance.

Steve explained: “The investment will cover safety checks and surveys across the six main areas of compliance.

“It’s also made it possible for us to create six brand new roles and employ local experts as Compliance Administrators. They are each responsible for making sure all repairs and checks have been completed for each area of compliance.

“For our residents, this means peace of mind. They know that when they get in touch with an issue or query, we have experts, from each area of safety and compliance, on hand to advise them.”

Click here to find out more about the safety campaigns.