- Date: 13/03/2023
New service supports 131 of Stoke-on-Trent's most vulnerable residents in the last three months
Our safe and well checks service has supported over one hundred people since its launch in December 2022.
The Revival service, funded by Stoke-on-Trent City Council, has provided a new aspect of support, not only to local people but teams at Stoke-on-Trent City Council and the wider healthcare sector.
Stoke social workers and locality connectors can refer residents they believe to be vulnerable into the service to help them stay safe and well at home. Revival's community wellbeing support workers then step-in to provide support like delivery of medication or food supplies, access to utility grants and benefits as well as general support.
Community wellbeing support worker Kerry recently supported local man John who lives alone and has a history of mental health issues.
“John had been sectioned previously and sadly had no support from family”, said Kerry. “He was referred by the adult social care team who felt he could benefit from a safe and well check before a full assessment took place."
"When I visited John at home he hadn't any food in the property and there was no credit on his gas meter. He said that with everything going on he’d forgotten his PIN and was unable to buy any food or gas."
“We were able to resolve his PIN issue and help him buy food and pay his utility bills. We were also able to provide emotional support before a more intensive care package is put in place following his adult social care assessment.”
The service is not only supporting the teams at Stoke-on-Trent City Council, but also reducing the risk of admissions to the Royal Stoke hospital during a period of critical demand.
Team Leader Mark Cliffe explained: “when the service launched in December, we were inundated with referrals. In the first two weeks we reached our capacity, but our team met the challenge and helped to make sure those people were safe and well at home."
“We really feel this has prevented hospital admissions during a busy time for the NHS.”
“We are proud to support our partners at Stoke-on-Trent City Council. By working together we can make a difference to the lives of local people like John.”
If you'd like to find out more about our community support services in Stoke-on-Trent please get in touch here: www.honeycombgroup.org.uk/contact-us