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  • Date: 19/09/2024

Honeycomb Group colleagues team up to run the Potter's 'Arf

Selfless staff from across our organisation have come together to take on Stoke-on-Trent's famous half-marathon later this month.

It’s not the first time that our colleagues have come together to fundraise. Last year, a team ran the half-marathon to raise funds for our domestic abuse specialist, Glow.

This year, an (almost) new team have joined forces to support our homelessness specialist, Concrete, specifically the young person’s service, which supports young adults at risk of homelessness.

The 2024 team consists of Mel Dunn, Becky Fedoroff, Greg van Enk-Bones, Claire Smithard and Esther Bromley. They all work across Honeycomb Group in different roles, but will come together to take on the Potter’s ‘Arf on 29 September.

For Becky – who leads the our domestic abuse Recovery Hub – it’s her second time taking on the half-marathon, as she was part of the team last year too.

She said: “I took on the Potter’s ‘Arf last year for the first time and it was definitely a challenge! I used to run quite regularly a few years ago, much shorter distances, but stopped making the time for it. Last year reignited that for me, and I was really keen to take part again this year.

“I find running to be so beneficial – not only physically, but mentally too. It has a fantastic impact on me, and I love that I’m able to use it as a way to fundraise and raise money for a really brilliant cause.

“I’m both nervous and excited about the big day - but if there’s one thing I remember from last year, it’s how incredible it feels when you cross the finish line.”

Becky Fedoroff

Mel Dunn is our Executive Director of Support and Wellbeing. She added: “I’ve ran a half-marathon before, but that was seven years ago and not the Potter’s Arf, so it is daunting, but I’ve been training regularly and doing everything I can to prepare.

“I’m a keen runner anyway and like Becky says, I find its good for my wellbeing, so I’ve tried to supercharge my usual routine. That includes incorporating much longer runs into my training schedule, as well as lots of hills as I know the Potter’s ‘Arf route can be quite steep at times!”

Mel Dunn

As the training ramps up, the one thing keeping the team motivated is remembering who they are running for.

Mel explained: “We’re all running for Concrete – Honeycomb Group’s homelessness specialist, specifically their young person’s service. The service provides support and accommodation to over 30 young adults, aged between 17 and 25, who have been through difficult times and faced homelessness.

“When the training feels tough, or nerves about the big day creep in, it’s great to be reminded about why we’re running, and the positive impact that our fundraising will have.”

You can support the team on their GoFundMe fundraising pages by clicking below: