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  • Date: 07/03/2024

Honeycomb Group scheme receives praise from SOTCC Cabinet Member for Housing

Our homelessness specialist, Concrete, launched its new, fully adapted, supported accommodation scheme for men impacted by homelessness in December 2023.

Since then, the scheme, Vivian Culvert House, has created a home for 14 local men who have been impacted by homelessness, including those with physical disabilities.

A recent report from The Conversation highlighted that while disabled people represent 22% of the overall UK population, they may represent up to 39% of the homeless population, according to a study from the University of York. These figures match further data from the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC). Stats released last summer revealed that the number of people eligible for homelessness support in England, such as emergency accommodation, because of a disability, rose by 73% from 2018 to 2022.

Vivian Culvert House accounts for these additional needs, with the whole building being completely adapted and disabled-friendly. This includes ramps, wet rooms and large communal areas. While the accommodation will provide a home for men, it will also be a place for them to develop too. The building features specific areas for professionals to come in and deliver support in-house, such as a dedicated nurse’s office, as well as areas for staff to provide tailored support too.

Earlier this month, Honeycomb Group Chief Executive Julie Guildford Smith invited local partners, including Stoke-on-Trent City Council Councillor Robinson, to visit the scheme. Councillor Robinson, who is Cabinet Member for Housing, Regeneration and Planning, toured the scheme alongside Councillor Colclough.

Councillor Chris Robinson, cabinet member for housing, regeneration and planning, said: “We work extremely hard to ensure all of our residents, and particularly our most vulnerable members of society, are safe, supported and looked after and we can only do this with the help of our trusted partners. Vivian Culvert House is an excellent facility which provides space for people to rest, socialise, cook and, most importantly, be part of a like-minded community. I’d like to pass on my congratulations, and my thanks, to Concrete and Honeycomb Group.”

Honeycomb Group Chief Executive, Julie Guildford Smith, said it was a pleasure to welcome local partners. She explained: “Vivian Culvert House is a special place and a scheme we are incredibly proud of here at Honeycomb Group.”

“The is a gap in provision of homelessness support and accommodation for those with a disability, it has been very difficult to hear the challenges our residents have had to go through before moving into the scheme”

“We hope to lead the way with innovative and purpose-built homelessness accommodation in Stoke-on-Trent, but the real key to success is collaboration. All Concrete schemes currently receive a wide variety of support from mental health nurse visits to employment training sessions, and it is this community support, which is making a real difference.”

“It was a pleasure to host SOTCC Councillor Robinson and Councillor Colclough, and to receive their support and backing of the scheme. Honeycomb Group already works closely with SOTCC but we look forward to furthering this partnership. By coming together, we hope to expand support for local people and places, and continue to transform our communities and City.”