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  • Date: 16/05/2024

Honeycomb Group to deliver homelessness support in Cheshire East for the next five years

We're excited to share that our homelessness specialists, Concrete, will continue to deliver housing related support across Cheshire East for at least the next five years, thanks to renewed funding from Cheshire East Council.

In the last year, Concrete has provided housing and support to over 200 people across the borough. This includes families, individuals, couples and young people aged 18 and over.

The service operates in two ways – supported housing and floating support. The supported housing team work with customers living in Concrete homes across Cheshire East. They work alongside other agencies to guide them towards independent living. Meanwhile, the floating support team delivers less intensive support to help people maintain their tenancy.

This work is much needed in Cheshire East, with Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities data revealing that in the year 2021-2022, 1,430 households presented as homeless in Cheshire East.

Laura Dalton

Head of Homelessness, Housing and Complex Needs, Laura Dalton, shared more:

“We’re thrilled to continue working with Cheshire East Council to deliver housing related support in Cheshire East until at least 2031.  

“We first launched our Cheshire East service four years ago. In that time, we have supported hundreds of local people, and our teams have built and developed some fantastic working relationships with borough partners.

“Not only are they delivering vital support directly to local people, but they’re also able to signpost and coordinate access to a wide range of other types of support from local organisations.

“It’s fantastic that our work will continue in Cheshire East, and we can’t wait to see the impact that it will have on local people and communities in the years to come.”

­Click here to find out more about Concrete.