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  • Date: 26/06/2024

Meet our Events and Activities Coordinator, who'll provide specialist support for men impacted by homelessness in Stoke-on-Trent

Last month we introduced a brand new role at the male supported accommodation scheme of our homelessness specialist, Concrete.

It's all thanks to support from Stoke-on-Trent City Council, whose funding made it possible for us to create a brand-new, full-time Events and Activities Coordinator post.

The successful recruit was Jessica Hutt, who has been a member of the Concrete team since February. Jess made the internal move to the male accommodation scheme in May after spending time supporting other schemes across the city as a Community Response Officer. 

In her new role, she'll take the lead on engaging residents at Concrete's male scheme, organising events and facilitating activities, as well as being the bridge between the scheme and the local community, working closely with partners and external agencies.

Jessica Hutt

With a varied career history, including as an estate agent, banking clerk, customer service and other support roles across the city, Jess brings a passion for making a difference and improving the lives of others. She’s shared more about her role:

“My support work career started with mentoring, where I supported young people, including those that were quite vulnerable, and families. I absolutely loved it – I can’t explain the joy that it brought me, to see people grow and rediscover themselves and their potential.

“I’ve worked in a lot of roles over the years, in things like HR, banking, customer service, but support is where my heart is. I’ve also always lived in social housing, so I have that lived experience which helps me to relate to our Honeycomb Group customers.

“I truly believe that everyone deserves a home that they are proud of, and where they feel safe and can thrive. To be in a role where I can play even a small part in someone’s journey towards a bright new chapter is just amazing.”

Jess’s role will involve working directly with the male scheme’s residents, planning events and activities that will engage them and help them to develop.

“What excites me is how much potential the role has. I have my own ideas, but I’ve also been working with the guys to actually find out what they want to do. I’ve been getting to know everyone, learning their stories and shaping my plans with them at the very centre.

“As summer is approaching, I’m keen to get our customers outdoors, whether that’s in our garden hosting BBQs and a spot of gardening, or litter picking to give back to the local area.

“As well as outdoor events, I’d also like to hold activities that can develop their skills. We have some fantastic support from our peer mentors, who hold cooking sessions and community meals. I’d love more of our customers to get involved in this so that they can develop those independent living skills that will be so vital when they move on to a new chapter.

“I’m also keen to engage with our local community. Stoke-on-Trent is a fantastic place, it’s where I’m from, and I’m really passionate about the area - I want our residents to feel equally as proud to be from here too, and most importantly give back to it.” 

Find out more about Concrete here.